Take Action: Demand Climate Deniers in Congress Face the Facts

Climate change is no longer a distant threat looming in the future. Its impacts are tangible: In 2020, 22 extreme weather events caused more than more than $20 billion in damage in the United States alone. That's a new record.

Yet 25 percent of elected officials in the 117th Congress deny that climate change is real and caused by humans.

We must demand better. Please sign the Center for American Progress' open letter to elected officials demanding that they face the facts and take action by centering climate in decision-making:

I'm signing on to demand that all elected officials face the facts that human-caused climate change is real.

As we face the very real environmental terrors of raging wildfires, fierce hurricanes, and severe flooding, it is unacceptable that climate deniers seek to counter facts with misinformation. And moreover, they have received more than $61 million in lifetime contributions from the coal, oil, and gas industries. It is clear that these deniers are just mouthpieces for the polluting industries that fuel climate change.

We deserve better. Bold, progressive climate action must be the centerpiece of economic recovery planning to ensure an equitable, just future for all.

Sign up:

I’m signing on to demand that all elected officials face the facts that human-caused climate change is real.