Demand Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices

President Joe Biden and the American people recognize that corruption on the U.S. Supreme Court is a threat to the safety and health of people across the United States. That’s why he is calling on Congress to act to enforce 18-year term limits on Supreme Court justices—to restore the promise of constitutional checks and balances and shore up America’s democratic foundations.

A single justice who stays on the Supreme Court for decades can personally shape federal law for generations. And a single president should not be able to appoint one-third of the court to advance a political agenda in their own image. No one individual should have that much power. 

Enacting 18-year term limits is a key step toward restoring accountability, safeguarding the court's critical role for democracy, and protecting the interests of everyday Americans. It would ensure that each president gets to appoint two justices to the court during their term and that those justices do not become so removed from everyday Americans that they hold themselves above the law.

Action to hold billionaire-backed judges on the Supreme Court accountable is necessary. Tell Congress to act immediately to implement 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices.

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